As a young boy, I dreamed of being an architect. I wanted to be a mastermind behind the skylines of big cities far away from my small hometown. The intersection of innovation, art, science, and function in the field of architecture fascinated me. As I grew older, this dream faded quietly into the background as I pursued a career in healthcare and had a family. In recent years, my interest in architecture has reemerged subconsciously through my photography.

In 2019 and early 2020, a project developed spontaneously during my photo walks in Minneapolis and other large cities I visited. On sunny days with clear blue skies, I began to notice how the summit of buildings were illuminated by sunlight while the city below was enveloped in shadows. Using signs, buildings, doorways, awnings, and other foreground elements in shadow, I was able to craft highly geometric, abstract photographs highlighting these scenes.

I have called this series, Blueprints, as it is an homage to my childhood dreams of being an architect. Blueprints blends my curiosity for chasing urban light and shadows with my passion for photographing order, geometry, structure, and scale amongst the built cityscape.
